commercial tank linings

Commercial and Industrial Water Tanks Require Regular Inspection

Water tanks, including those used in industrial settings, require careful monitoring and ongoing maintenance to remain operational. By the end of this article, you’ll have a good grasp on how measures like tank liners and frequent inspections keep water tanks at their best. The article also covers certain changes water tanks have undergone.

Changing Designs

Over time, water tank designs have become more advanced and suited to specific roles, according to Lyn Corum at WaterWorld. For instance, owners of tanks have generally begun to show a higher desire for earthquake- and hurricane-resistant construction. Security is another concern that has risen over time. Additionally, codes governing tank construction used to be based on so-called seismic zones, which covered potentially large areas. Today, tank designers consider criteria that are more relevant to each tank’s specific site. For example, soil type may vary from site to site, even if the sites are relatively close to one another.

Changing Materials

The materials tanks are made of have changed as well, per Corum. For instance, wooden tanks used to be relatively common, but today, they are practically artifacts. Instead, modern tanks are made of concrete, fiberglass, and steel.

These materials each bring different maintenance considerations. If a fiberglass tank develops a buildup of slurry or sludge, for instance, then a vacuum truck is called for to remove the buildup.


Coatings are another element that affect how often water tank repair is necessary and other aspects of a tank’s performance. As explained in Corum’s article, coatings help protect tanks from harmful effects like corrosion. The interior roof of a tank is one area that is particularly vulnerable to damage because “above the water line, the tank walls are exposed to oxygen,” making corrosion more likely. Ladders are similarly vulnerable because they are difficult to paint. To fight these deleterious effects, professionals apply coatings throughout the interior of tanks. Exteriors of tanks require protection, often in the form of paint, as well.

The Importance of Inspection

Tanks that are properly maintained typically enjoy very long lives: As one example, fiberglass tank repairs and regular maintenance can help those tanks remain in service for decades.

Inspections are a vital part of extending the lifespans of tanks, as explained on The Dirt Doctors’ blog. Inspections ferret out problems like cracks, dents, and malfunctioning lids, which can all snowball into larger problems if left unchecked. Dampness in corners and rust are other factors that inspectors look for, as are sagging and bulges. Inspectors also examine the pipes that feed into and draw liquid out of tanks. Filtration systems need to undergo regular maintenance checks as well. While inspections are a process that never truly ends, they are essential for signaling when repairs and maintenance are needed, which in turn keep tanks in good working order.

Commercial Tank Liners, Fiberglass Tank Repairs and Coatings Contractor in the Bay Area

Picon FRP, Inc. has served the Bay Area in Northern California for over 30 years, providing full service tank inspection, maintenance, linings, coatings and repairs. Call 510-232-0065 or contact us today to see how we can help your tanks, scrubbers, ducts, and more last longer and perform better.