Fiberglass reinforced plastic – or FRP – is a state-of-the-art material that has countless industrial applications. FRP wraps are highly resistant to corrosion and can be used as liners storage tanks, while an FRP duct can withstand extreme temperatures with little trouble. FRP also requires little maintenance and is relatively inexpensive compared to steel and similar materials. This also means that FRP repairs are simple and easy to complete. Let’s take a look at some of the more common industrial uses of FRP. Read more »
Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) is widely used in many industrial applications. FRP refers to a composite material, a plastic (polymer) matrix that has been reinforced with glass fibers which in combination result in a material that is exceptionally strong but also flexible. FRP materials are used in products and components that must be precisely engineered with tight tolerance limits, a low fatigue index, and high impact tolerance. FRP ducts, piping, and FRP tank liners are examples of excellent FRP applications. Read more »
Concrete, fiberglass, and steel tanks are used in various industries to store water, chemicals, and other materials. As sturdy and reliable as these materials often are, they are still subject to corrosion over time, which leads to costly and dangerous leaks. Corroded or otherwise damaged tank linings need to be repaired, and the most efficient way to do that is with fiber-reinforced plastic, or FRP repairs. FRP is a composite material made from a polymer matrix that is reinforced with fibers. FRP used in tank lining repairs is usually in the form of an epoxy resin that can be applied to the lining or exterior of a tank to strengthen it. When it is applied to the inside of a tank, it acts as a highly durable moisture barrier that can significantly slow down corrosion and prevent even the most corrosive and caustic chemicals from leaking. Read more »
Fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) is a material that consists of glass fiber and industrial resins, making it strong and durable. FRP repairs are common in commercial water tanks and linings, but the material has many more applications across industrial commercial industries including FRP ducts. Because of its long service life, durability and design flexibility, FRP is widely used in sewage, oil and gas, urban water supply and the chemical industry. Read more »
Fiberglass Tank Linings Improved with FRP
Over time, storage tank linings tend to face the issue of corrosion, and that becomes an issue even quicker for tanks storing harsh substances. But even water can be an issue: Water & Wastes Digest’s Bob Hummel writes that salt- and chloride-containing water settling in the bottom of a tank may eat away at it while spawning an electrolyte that exacerbates the problem. Read more »
Commercial water tanks are a considerable investment for any company. As a result, manufacturers will use every resource at their disposal to maximize the tanks’ lifespan. In the past years, carbon-steel storage tanks have proved highly prone to corrosion, with leaks developing in about five years. Read more »
From making fire water readily available to safely storing corrosive materials, fiberglass tanks serve a variety of important purposes. In this post, we’ll take a look at both why these tanks are so useful and the advantages they offer from a repair and maintenance standpoint. Read more »
A tank leak repair may seem like a daunting prospect at first. Add the additional complication of a tank being underground, and the challenge can seem insurmountable to the untrained eye thanks to challenges like excavation. However, fiberglass tank repairs can quickly and effectively fix tanks up and get them back to full functionality—even tanks in hard-to-reach places. This article provides an overview of underground tanks and then discusses some repair methods relevant to them. Read more »
Tank Linings and Tank Leak Repair
Because of their light weight, high durability, and relatively inexpensive costs, FRP tanks are the choice of many municipalities and businesses. With these tanks, there are some maintenance and repair considerations to keep in mind. Doing so can greatly extend the usable life of FRP tanks and their accompanying infrastructure. Read more »
A Lot Can Go Wrong with Fiberglass Repair Without Knowledge and Care
Repairing fiberglass can give it new life, but it is not as easy as sticking a patch on a crack. If the right care is not taken, it can result in further damage or an incorrect repair that has to be redone later on. Not only does this add to the time needed to take care of the repair, but wastes materials and effort, as well. Here are some things that can happen to cause problems with fiberglass repair. Read more »
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