Complex FRP Tank Fabrication Experience Required for De-Molding Technique


Severely Damaged Dome Would Typically be Replaced with New Fabricated Tank

Special, complex fabrication methods were used in this repair to the existing water tank dome on-site to limit client costs. Experienced craftsmen were required to employ sophisticated methods which included creating a mold of the existing FRP dome surface. 









De-Molding Technique for FRP Dome Repair

Existing dome used as mold carefully being cut away without damaging new fabricated FRP dome.

New FRP Dome Fabricated for Nevada Water District

After cutting away the damaged dome surface which was used as a mold.

Careful cutting was required in order to remove the existing FRP dome after de-molding on-site.Planning and expert execution were required to ensure a successful and cost effective repair.

FRP Lamination of Tank Dome

Once the fabricated mold was complete and the damaged exterior was removed the FRP lamination process could be completed.


in-place-frp-dome-replacement in-place-dome-frp-install

On-Site FRP Tank Repair Saved Money and Time

Our client was very impressed with the top quality techniques utilized to replace the dome in-place. Significant time and money was saved by replacing only the dome, in-place, when compared to the cost of fabricating and installing an entirely new tank at the facility.