bay area tank rehabilitation

Bay Area Commercial Fire Water Tank Rehabilitation

When it comes to rehabilitating a tank, some methods are better than others, but it’s critical to handle the job promptly and correctly. For example, buildings that use large tanks to power their fire suppression systems may become vulnerable if the tank fails during fire season. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid such problems. Read more »

commercial water tank frp

Fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) is a popular method of making tank repairs. FRP tank liners have a lot of design flexibility. You can customize FRP liners to fit your needs. FRP has a high strength to weight ratio. It is lighter than metal but retains the strength. FRP tanks can be installed underground without tearing up the entire system. Still, for all the benefits, you can’t just leave your FRP tanks alone and expect them to operate efficiently without regular maintenance. You should also be prepared to watch for problems with your FRP tanks, to make fiberglass repairs before big problems ensue. Read more »

tank leak repair

Storage tanks are used in a number of industries, and while they are durable enough to last for years, they are still subject to corrosion and will need to be repaired at some point. This can seem daunting for some businesses, but it doesn’t have to be. Depending on the kinds of storage tanks you have, you might have several options available when it comes to tank leak repair. Read more »

fiberglass liner repair

Corrosion is a chemical reaction that occurs on the surface of different materials, especially metals. Most people are familiar with rust, which is probably the most common type of corrosion. Corrosion is considered a natural process that transforms the metal into undesirable substances. When you have storage tanks, rust is an enemy. Fiberglass liner repair and fiberglass tank liners can help prevent corrosion and keep your equipment in service longer. Read more »

domestic water tank repair company san francisco

A Domestic Water Tank in San Francisco Needs Proper Lining

There are hundreds of domestic water tank in the San Francisco area and thousands in use across the great state of California. And it is no wonder. There are many uses for water storage tanks including potable water, stormwater, wastewater, and fire protection. Commercial applications for water tanks include agriculture, petrochemical, wineries and vineyards, and food processing. Thus, San Francisco domestic water tank maintenance and repair work is an important business enterprise.  Read more »

tank liings repair san francisco

Project: Condo Building, Tank Linings Repair – 25,000 gal

We were called upon by a condo building manager in San Francisco to remove their old commercial water tank lining, perform tank linings repair and surface preparation, and reapply a new tank lining.

Coatings Approved at CA Regulated Agencies – Meets CA VOC Regulations Read more »